node web {
include users
include nginx
include rails
node worker {
include users
include rails
include redis
node db {
include users
include mysql
node web-qa {
include users
include nginx
include rails
include mysql
include redis
Roles and Profiles Pattern
All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection.
所有電腦科學領域的問題都可以用抽象化來解決(除了抽象太多層以外),以上的問題我們可以用現在常見的 “Roles and Profiles Pattern” 來做抽象。
Role 很好理解,顧名思義就是「扮演的角色」,以上面的例子我們就有 web, db, worker,web 可能又分成 production 環境和 QA 環境。
node web {
include role::web::production
node worker {
include role::worker
node db {
include role::db
node web-qa {
include role::web::qa
Role 本身大概會長這樣:
class role {
include profile::base
class role::web inherits role {
include profile::nginx
class role::web::production inherits role::web {
include profile::nginx::production
class role::web::qa inherits role::web {
include profile::nginx::qa
include profile::db
include profile::worker
class role::db inherits role {
include profile::mysql
class role::worker inherits role {
include profile::worker
Profile 則是用來抽象化「一組服務、設定」的。看上面 Role 的部份應該有點感覺了:
class profile::base {
include users
class profile::web {
include nginx
include rails
class profile::web::production inherits profile::web {
::nginx::file { 'production.conf':
content => ...,
class profile::web::qa inherits profile::web {
::nginx::file { 'qa.conf':
content => ...,
class profile::db inherits {
include profile::mysql
class profile::worker {}
include rails
include redis
一個 node 只 include 一個 role。如果這兩個 role 很像,但又有些微不同,那就是一個新 role。
一個 role include 一個或多個 profile,而且 只能 include profile 。